For anybody that thinks India is hot I will willingly swap places tonight, it’s not quite freezing, but still bloody cold we are currently about 980 metres above sea level staying at a jungle retreat near Masinagudi.
Today was ….interesting Breakfast was great and the plan was to be on the bikes at 9:15 only nobody told the mechanics who rolled up at 9:20, and required to put new pads into Steve’s bike, which they did in a relatively short time
Left out of hotel and very shortly right at a main road. The riding is starting to come together, one lead rider goes through the second forms a physical barrier across the roads while the remainder scuttle out the the proverbially rats leaving the sinking ship and we are across and through the junction in seconds. Sounds a bit harsh but actually it’s accepted, the jackets and union jacks helps but hey ho it’s India.
The highlight of the morning was seeing a tut tut driver, imagine a Vespa scooter with two wheels at the back and a pram hood, that’s a tut tut. Anyway this one was on a mission he was either on a promise or been phoned and told his house was on fire, because he overtook, or should that be overtook some and undercut the others like Billy Bunter going through a cake shop only to get to the front of our queue the past the cars holding us up to pull up and stop.
Blimey he got there 5 seconds earlier. That’s India.
Today’s ride was more like it bends and mountains and finally a tiger reserve, we saw Elephants, three or four, several groups of antelope , wild hogs, and other four leggidly things I have no idea what.
We left the state of Kerala, known as Gods own country and entered Tamil Nadu, stopped at the police post by a band of six or seven immaculately dressed policemen,overseen by a serious looking female police inspector who certainly had the troops under control but we informed her we both out ranked her in service and seniority and she evetually melted like butter and insisted in having hr photo taken with us all.
we eventually stopped at our hotel in the jungle before it was dark, time for a swim massage or what ever took your fancy .